What are the basics of a birding trip to The Gambia/Senegal?

In a typical birding trip, we will visit several birding sites, depending on your target species and interests.  I will guide throughout the trip, and we will have a vehicle and a driver.  Most of the birding is done on foot, and the intensity and duration of birding days can be customized.  The birding may occur in a national park or on a patch off the side of the road…  It all depends on the target species.  There are a variety of accommodations (from basic to luxurious) that can fit your needs.


Is it possible to arrange everything for the birding tour, including guide, transportation, meals and accommodations?

Yes, for sure! I can take care of everything you need for your birding adventure. I can guide you on your birding adventures but I can also help you with transportation, make sure you have a place to stay, and even plan meals. You just relax and enjoy the amazing birds in Gambia and Senegal!

What group size is optimal?

I can do a trip for one person or a large group and anything else in between.  With a large group, I can arrange for another guide and a vehicle.


Do you own your own vehicle?

No, but it is easy for me to hire a good vehicle in The Gambia or Senegal.  Actually, hiring a vehicle affords the flexibility with respect to the kind of vehicle, depending on group size.  The driver will usually be someone I have previously worked with on birding trips.


What time of year is best in The Gambia/Senegal?

The birding is good all year-round, but our “high season” is between November and April. This period is our dry season, and it is also when the palearctic migrants are visiting.


How do I choose between The Gambia and Senegal?

There are many factors to consider.  In The Gambia, since the country is so small, distances between birding sites are minimal.  If your time happens to be short, even just a few days of birding near Banjul (the capital) can be highly productive.  About 80% of my guided trips are in The Gambia.  In Senegal, the distances between birding sites can be far.  Some days, we can be driving for 5-8 hours.  But Senegal can be extremely rewarding, as it has “Sahel” specialties that are not available in The Gambia.  As stated, it is easy to combine the two countries in a single trip, so you can have the best of both worlds.


How are the accommodations and food?

The accommodations near the birding sites in both countries can run from very basic to luxurious.  I can tailor the accommodations to your needs.  Breakfast and dinner are typically taken at the place of lodging.  For lunch, we will either have a pre-packed picnic or stop at a roadside restaurant.  Overall, the quality of food is good to excellent.


Do you encounter language issues in Senegal?

Senegal’s official language is French (unlike in The Gambia, where the official language is English).  I don’t speak French well, but my native language is Wolof, which is the most widely spoken native language in Senegal.

Any other questions? 

Do you have other questions? Don't hesitate to contact Ansu. He's happy to help you.